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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bernice @ Eigtheen

Playing with colors . . .

Bernice @eigthteen is a combination of color presentation hawaiin theme production produced by Alfon and Carol Andrada to welcome their daughter to womanhood. The production was undertaken with cyber presentation component for the relatives and friends of Alfon and Carol to have a glimpse of their daugther's womanhood, here and abroad.

Bernice Andrada, the daughter of Alfon and Carol, turns eighteen. This beauty and brain, multi-talented lady, a junior student of Mapua Institute taking-up Chemical Engineering, celebrated her debut on April 24, 2010 with her family, relatives and friends, in a night full of laughter, joy and memories.It was a splendid affair, a night full of fun with sisters Ma. Theresa and Lynette Cuales as master of ceremonies.

Bernice @ Eighteen . . .